3 top cases di innovazione presentati al FIPP Digital Innovators’ Summit di Berlino

3 top cases di innovazione presentati al FIPP Digital Innovators’ Summit di Berlino

Si è appena tenuta a Berlino (19-21 marzo) la decima edizione del Summit annuale focalizzato sui temi dell’innovazione nei media, organizzato da FIPP, che ha visto il coinvolgimento di oltre 70 speakers e l’adesione di 600 partecipanti provenienti da 37 Paesi:
Tra i numerosi interventi, iniziamo a segnalare 3 casi particolarmente interessanti.
Quartz’s: focus on human beings, not just technology
Quartz has been one of the big success stories of online media of the last few years. Since its launch in 2012 the website ‘which bills itself as serving global business professionals with news information and analysis,’ has has grown to a readership of 20 million monthly unique visitors around the world.
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Audience engagement: why a platform-appropriate content strategy is crucial
Social media today is a channel not only to engage users, but also a channel that increasingly provides insight and is a tool for publishers to grow audience habits and reach. For NowThis, for example, the bottom line in audience engagement is about platform-appropriate content. “How you produce content is fundamentally different on Facebook compared to Snapchat. One format doesn’t fit across the board,” said Athan Stephanopoulous at DIS in Berlin
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Video strategies for a visual world – with AJ+ and AwesomenessTV
Unsurprisingly, a hot topic for many of the speakers at this year’s Digital Innovators’ Summit is audience engagement via video. On day one of the conference, Alan Saura, audience development strategist at AJ+, focused his talk on how to maximise audience engagement using video and social media. Meanwhile, chief digital officer at AwesomenessTV, Kelly Day, explained how the company harnesses the unique attributes of Generation-Z (those aged between two and 21 at present) to create content that really speaks to this young but powerful audience.
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Fonte: ANES da newsletter FIPP 22.03.17